Exploring my Vocation
As Catholics we believe that God creates each and every one of us out of love. No matter who we are, whatever our life circumstances, God is with us and God loves us.
Made in the image and likeness of God, our entire life, whether we know it or not, is lived as a response to the God of love. Our life can be seen as a journey both to the heart of God, striving always to become the best version of ourselves.
Psalm 139 reminds us that God knows us intimately and has done from the moment of our conception. Nothing we do, nowhere we go, can we escape the love of God. Even when we sin, knowingly making choices that are not good, God does not stop loving us. We may however not be so good at acknowledging that love, as sometimes it leads us to need to re-evaluate our own choices.
““O God you search me and you know me...””
The work of the human journey is to discover, with God, what and who we are to be, in response to this great act of God’s love, poured out on us in the gift of life.
St John Henry Newman, an English academic and priest, that lived in the 19th century, wrote famously ‘God has created me for some definite purpose…’ It is in discerning (working out, with God) what our individual purpose is, that we discover our personal vocation.
A video reflection of Newman’s Poem ‘God’s Definite Service’
But what is a vocation?
““No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people.””