University of Roehampton

The Catholic Chaplaincy at Roehampton is located in Erasmus House on the Digby Stuart College Campus.

Ginny Jordan-Arthur

Ginny is the Chaplain to Digby Stuart College and Catholic Chaplain to Roehampton University. As part of the chaplaincy team, Ginny is involved in supporting community engagement, pastoral and listening conversations and offering hospitality to all. She is also a member of Digby Stuart College, and therefore part of the Society of the Sacred Heart Network and the Archdiocese of Southwark Universities Catholic Chaplaincy Team. She looks after the prayer life of the college from the Catholic tradition and celebrates the feasts central to the college foundations, leads the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes with HCPT: the pilgrimage trust, and administrator for the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies programme. When not worshipping on campus she attends St Joseph’s RC Church in Roehampton. She has an academic background in theology and photography, and when needed can whip up a decent batch of chocolate chip muffins.

Regular Events

Mass - Wednesday, 1.10pm, Sacred Heart Chapel

Stay Connected

To contact the Ginny email her and follow the Chaplaincy on social media to stay up to date:


Twitter: @roechaplaincy

Instagram: @roechaplaincy

The Chapel in Digby Stuart College

The Chapel in Digby Stuart College