King’s College London - Guy’s Campus

The Guy’s campus is home to the University’s Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine and Dental Institute.

The Catholic Chaplain of the campus is Laurence Jasper.

The Chaplaincy area is located in the Henriette Raphael Building. 

Regular Events


Holy Mass is celebrated every Wednesday at 1:10pm in the Guy's Chapel. Confessions can be heard 30 minutes beforehand. A simple sandwich lunch is served after Mass. The first Mass of the semester will be on Wednesday 15th January 25 at 1:10pm. Come and encounter the love of Jesus who is present to us in His word and, most especially, in the Eucharist which is the gift of Himself to us!


A new and exciting group for Catholic university students of the healthcare professions and biosciences in London! This semester (Jan-Apr 25) the group will explore The Church’s teaching on difficult bioethical questions. We meet every Wednesday from 6pm in the Chaplaincy room of King’s College London: Guy’s campus. For more information, and to sign-up, please email Laurence using your university email.


Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled is an eight-week Bible study course which explores the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as told by St. Luke the Evangelist.

The Gospel of Luke takes readers on a journey that begins with the foretelling of John the Baptist’s birth and culminates in the Ascension of Jesus. Along the way, one witnesses key moments in salvation history, including the Annunciation; the Nativity; Jesus’ baptism; his public ministry; the Last Supper; and Jesus’ suffering, death, and glorious Resurrection. Luke’s beautiful narrative demonstrates not only how Jesus fulfils the Old Testament prophecies and everything that Scripture foretold about the promised Messiah but helps readers to draw closer to Jesus and be transformed by his teachings.

Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled aims to assist participants on their journey through Luke’s Gospel and their joyful discovery of the faithfulness, love, and mercy of God revealed throughout the ages, and most especially in Jesus. It is produced by Ascension Press, a Catholic company responsible for the famous and popular 'The Bible in a Year' podcast delivered by Fr Mike Schmitz.

The course/study group at King’s will be facilitated by Laurence, and will meet on Microsoft Teams on Mondays at 8pm. Please also note that there is a limited number of spaces which will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

An introductory session will take place on Monday 27th January 25 at 8pm on Microsoft Teams. This will give students a chance to learn more about the course and decide whether they would like to sign-up. For a link to the session, please email Laurence.


Are you interested in praying with the Bible? Would you like to grow, alongside other students, in loving union with Christ Jesus the Lord? Then why not join our Lectio Divina group!

Lectio Divina is Latin for “divine reading.” It is a term given to an ancient technique from Catholic tradition, of reading and meditating on Sacred Scripture which consists of four key steps: lectio (reading) meditatio (meditation) oratio (prayer) and contemplatio (contemplation) Some also add actio (action) as a fifth step to this sequence.  

We will meet every Wednesday this semester between 3 and 4pm in the Chaplaincy room of the Guy’s campus to practice this prayer method and grow in faith together. The first meeting will take place on Wednesday 15th January 25 and will introduce participants to the steps of Lectio.  

‘I would like in particular to recall and recommend the ancient tradition of Lectio divina: the diligent reading of Sacred Scripture accompanied by prayer brings about that intimate dialogue in which the person reading hears God who is speaking, and in praying, responds to him with trusting openness of heart. If it is effectively promoted, this practice will bring to the Church - I am convinced of it - a new spiritual springtime.’ (Pope Benedict XVI)  


Are you interested in joining a “school of prayer”? Are you seeking to grow in loving union with Jesus? If so, the Rosary group is for you! Each week we will pray the Rosary together, meditating on the mysteries of Christ’s life aided by the prayers and example of His Blessed Mother Mary. The group will meet every Wednesday at 12:15pm from the 15th January in the Guy's Chapel. Do not worry if you have never prayed the Rosary before or have forgotten how to do so-the purpose of a school is to help you to learn.


The "Cathsoc" runs a special evening event for KCL students every Thursday at 6pm. For more information, check out their social media pages listed below.


Interested in being part of a student/staff team who organise food and clothes drives for the homeless of London and so support the wonderful work of the Manna Society and its Day Centre so close to Guy's campus? Get in touch!

For more information or to sign-up to any of the groups listed above, please email Laurence Jasper, Catholic Lay Chaplain of King's College London: Guy's campus.

 *Please note that, unless otherwise stated (e.g. see the Christus Medicus group), these events and groups are open to King's College London students and staff only.


Local catholic church


St Joseph and Our Lady of La Salette, Melior Street, SE1 3QP

Contact details:

Phone: 020 7848 6940

KCL Catholic Society:

Facebook Instagram KCLSU page

For more information: 

KCL Catholic Society KCL Chaplaincy