A Momentous Week
A lot can happen in 7 days, and even though the Church can move slowly, a lot has happened in the last week.
The week began with the synodals - those taking part in the XVI General Assembly in Rome taking part in a retreat to prepare them for the work ahead. This was preceded by an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil coordinated by Taize, entrusting the synod into the hands of God.
This is an exciting time. The synodal process began in October 2021 and asked the people of God to journey together, sharing their lived experience of church. In any living conversation there are highs and lows, people fearing that those that shouted the loudest may get heard the most. There is fear on both sides that teachings will change, or indeed they won’t. The opposite of fear is indeed faith. Whilst blind faith is never helpful, trusting that regardless of personalities, this is the work of Holy Spirit, therefore of God has left people unnerved.
We have heard a lot about discernment, which it is important to say is not decision making, though good discernment can lead to both decision making and taking. Discernment in the Ignatian context, is always between two goods and it is important to remember this as the synod continues. We are all good people trying to live good lives. As a result, whatever emerges from the synod will also be good, though it may not be what any one individual wants. I remember when teaching in a secondary school, a really useful image for explaining ‘sin’ was to look at the central letter of the word. When I only look at the world with the eyes of ‘I’ it is often not centred on God or others so whilst it may seem good for me, it may leave me missing the chance for the ‘better’.
Let us pray for all gathered in Rome, that in taking time to listen to others, they too come to hear the voice of God in themselves and in the sharing of others. May each person be willing to let go and let God, and for our part let us pray for each participant that the Holy Spirit can lead their prayer, conversations and discernment as we all journey onwards together.
The opening Mass of the Synod Assembly, photo by Archbishop John Wilson, used with permission
The aula with the listening groups (in different languages), photo by Archbishop John Wilson, used with permission