Christmas Message from Archbishop John

In his annual Christmas message, Archbishop John Wilson said in a divided world, filled with conflict, it can be tempting to lose hope. But in times of darkness, division and pain “we must turn to our one, great living hope - the Lord Jesus. In Him, and in His message of Good News, we see the possibility of a different and better world”. This, Archbishop John said, “is what the truth of Christmas is all about. It’s a story of hope triumphing over darkness. It is the story of our salvation. It’s God’s love story towards our world and each one of us”. Looking ahead to next year, the Archbishop encourages us to turn to the Lord Jesus in Eucharistic adoration, as prayer, he said, “is the most active expression of our love and hope. And there is no more hopeful and active prayer than when we place ourselves before the Blessed Sacrament, the Real Presence of Jesus. Our Lord Jesus told His disciples to remain with Him, and keep watch with Him. This is what He invited us – me and you – to do. To stay with Him in prayer".  You can watch the full message here or via the QR code below.

Higher Education Chaplaincy of the Archdiocese of Southwark

A site for students and staff in Higher Education Institutions located within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark.

Pope’s Prayer Intentions


Happy New Year